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Three Queer Lives Paul Bailey

Three Queer Lives von Paul Bailey

Three Queer Lives Paul Bailey

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This work presents the stories of two remarkable men and an extraordinary woman, and how they lived in an age when gayness was reviled and outlawed.

Three Queer Lives Zusammenfassung

Three Queer Lives: An Alternative Biography of Naomi Jacob, Fred Barnes and Arthur Marshall Paul Bailey

This work presents the stories of two remarkable men and an extraordinary woman, and how they lived in an age when gayness was reviled and outlawed. Paul Bailey's interest in Naomi Jacob was awakened in 1959, when he waited on her in Harrods's book department under the impression that she was J.B. Priestley. Micky Jacob was the author of dozens of bestselling novels, and several volumes of autobiography, which can be found today in charity shops. Fred Barnes, who survived an attempted murder by his father, was a singer, dancer and light comedian at the beginning of the century. His is a classic riches-to-rags story, his downfall foreshadowed by two very public events. Arthur Marshall who completes the trio, is the sunniest presence here, chuckling his way through the World War II and becoming a much-loved television personality in old age. In a personal introduction, Paul Bailey describes how he came to be fascinated by these very different human beings, all gay in more senses than one.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Three Queer Lives: An Alternative Biography of Naomi Jacob, Fred Barnes and Arthur Marshall Paul Bailey
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Penguin Books Ltd
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