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Black Children in the Public Care System Ravinder Barn

Black Children in the Public Care System von Ravinder Barn

Black Children in the Public Care System Ravinder Barn

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1


The author has based her study on empirical data collected from a survey of an inner-city Local Authority Social Services Department. Over 500 case histories have been analyzed and evidence gathered from interviews with social workers, parents and children.

Black Children in the Public Care System Zusammenfassung

Black Children in the Public Care System Ravinder Barn

The author has based her study on empirical data collected from a survey of an inner-city Local Authority Social Services Department. Over 500 case histories have been analysed and evidence gathered from interviews with social workers, parents and children to provide a well-balanced and unique insight into the care careers of black children. The significance of race and racism on the decisions made by social workers is underlined by the revealing statistics which arise from this study. The book highlights the urgent need for an increased awareness of the requirements of black children in care, and provides essential reading for all students and practising social workers.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Black Children in the Public Care System Ravinder Barn
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Free Association Books
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