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The Heart of the Renaissance Richard Lloyd

The Heart of the Renaissance von Richard Lloyd

The Heart of the Renaissance Richard Lloyd

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The Heart of the Renaissance Zusammenfassung

The Heart of the Renaissance: The Stories of the Art of Florence Richard Lloyd

Written by a lover of Florence, The Heart of the Renaissance describes the Christian traditions and legends, as well as the Greek myths, shown in the great works of art and architecture of the Italian Renaissance. Exploring the historical contexts of the stories of local saints and miraculous works of art, as well as describing the lives of the art patrons and artists, the book shows how and why Florence became the centre of the revival of Greek and Classical culture, making the city The Heart of the Renaissance. Giving precise locations to the citys works of art and notable buildings, the book acts as a practical guide to art lovers exploring Florence, as well as being an appreciation of the splendours of the city, its history, its art and its architecture.

Über Richard Lloyd

Richard Lloyd has loved art and architecture all his life. He was inspired in the art of the Italian Renaissance when studying at Winchester College, where he had a scholarship. After going to the British Institute in Florence, he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University. Following a career in the City, the art and history of Florence revived as his greatest interest, prompting several visits there guiding his family and friends, and researching Christian traditions and Greek mythology.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Heart of the Renaissance: The Stories of the Art of Florence Richard Lloyd
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Unicorn Publishing Group
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