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Who Was Beatrix Potter? Sarah Fabiny

Who Was Beatrix Potter? von Sarah Fabiny

Who Was Beatrix Potter? Sarah Fabiny

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Born into wealth in 1860's London, Beatrix Potter always had a vivid imagination. Her early interests included natural history and archaeology, and Potter delighted in sketching fossils and fungi. Potter wrote and illustrated her well-known book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Peter Rabbit and his animal friends have become cultural touchstones.

Who Was Beatrix Potter? Zusammenfassung

Who Was Beatrix Potter? Sarah Fabiny

Born into wealth in 1860's London, Beatrix Potter always had a vivid imagination. Her early interests included natural history and archaeology, and Potter delighted in sketching fossils and fungi. After briefly illustrating Christmas cards with her brother, Bertram, Potter wrote and illustrated her well-known book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. The book was rejected by several publishes until Frederick Warne eventually took a risk and published the story in 1902 - a risk that paid off. Peter Rabbit was a huge success and readers loved hearing about Peter's mischevious adventures in the lush English countryside. As she got older, Beatrix Potter became a proud conservationist, working hard to defend the landscape she loved so well against industrialization and logging. Now over one hundred years old, Peter Rabbit and his animal friends have become cultural touchstones and continue to delight readers of all ages.

Über Sarah Fabiny

Sarah Fabiny is the Editor-in-Chief of series and licensed books at Grosset & Dunlap and the author of Who Was Frida Kahlo? and Who Was Gloria Steinem?

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Who Was Beatrix Potter? Sarah Fabiny
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