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The Break-Up Agency Sheila McClure

The Break-Up Agency von Sheila McClure

The Break-Up Agency Sheila McClure

Zustand - Wie Neu
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The Break-Up Agency Zusammenfassung

The Break-Up Agency Sheila McClure

Falling in love can be complicated-especially when you've already broken up. Ellie Shaw loves love. Unfortunately, she's also an expert in break-ups. When a friend needs help with her 'too nice to dump' boyfriend, Ellie agrees to help. What she doesn't expect is for American Dan to be kind, caring, to love dogs and look like a Disney hero. In other words, completely too good to be true. She lets him down with grace and, encouraged by her friends, sets up Softer Landings, offering kinder, gentler break-ups. A year later American Dan reappears in her life. With a new girlfriend. One who also decides he's not the one for her. The team hatch a plan to let Dan down easy, but while Ellie attempts to lead him gently away, real sparks start to fly. There's just one big problem she can't ignore. Can Ellie reveal that their romance is the result of an elaborate con without it feeling like a huge betrayal? Or is she about to star in the most awful dumping of all time?

Über Sheila McClure

Sheila McClure lives in the English countryside with her Scottish husband, their dogs, Harris and Skye, and a small herd of delightfully striped Belted Galloway cattle. Prior to rural life in the UK, she was a camerawoman and news producer for Associated Press. As she's originally from Seattle, she began her working life as a barista. She will never refuse a quality dill pickle.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Break-Up Agency Sheila McClure
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Amazon Publishing
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