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Holding On When You Want to Let Go - Clinging to Hope When Life Is Falling Apart Sheila Walsh

Holding On When You Want to Let Go - Clinging to Hope When Life Is Falling Apart von Sheila Walsh

Holding On When You Want to Let Go - Clinging to Hope When Life Is Falling Apart Sheila Walsh

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Through Scripture and compelling stories, beloved author and speaker reminds us that even though we all face challenges and heartaches we didn't see coming, God has been writing our story from the very beginning--and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can see miracles unfolding all around us.

Holding On When You Want to Let Go - Clinging to Hope When Life Is Falling Apart Zusammenfassung

Holding On When You Want to Let Go - Clinging to Hope When Life Is Falling Apart Sheila Walsh

Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what's coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren't getting them--or at least aren't getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can? In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn't offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.

Über Sheila Walsh

Sheila Walsh is a powerful communicator, Bible teacher, and bestselling author with more than 5 million books sold. She is the author of It's Okay Not to Be Okay, Praying Women and the award-winning Praying Girls Devotional. She is cohost of LIFE Today with James and Betty Robison, with more than 100 million potential viewers each day. She lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband, Barry, and their two pups, Tink and Maggie. They have one son, Christian, who is in graduate school.

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Holding On When You Want to Let Go - Clinging to Hope When Life Is Falling Apart Sheila Walsh
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Gebundene Ausgabe
Baker Publishing Group
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