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Abandoned Villages Stephen Fisk

Abandoned Villages von Stephen Fisk

Abandoned Villages Stephen Fisk

Zustand - Wie Neu
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A lonely ruined church, mysterious bumps in a field, stone walls visible on the shoreline of a reservoir in high summer. All these are signs of settlements abandoned over the years, and this book is the perfect guide to these intriguing sites.

Abandoned Villages Zusammenfassung

Abandoned Villages Stephen Fisk

A lonely ruined church, mysterious bumps in a field, or stone walls visible on the shoreline of a reservoir in high summer: all these are signs of settlements abandoned over the years. Over the centuries many villages in Britain have been abandoned. This book describes the natural and man-made causes, from coastal erosion to the closing of old mines. The author puts together a picture of lost villages when they were at their height and the way of life of their people. In each case the process of abandonment is traced in vivid detail. Evidence from archaeology and historical records is summarised, and for more recent settlements the accounts of former residents are quoted. Abandoned Villagesis fully illustrated with photographs of villages before and after they were abandoned. It will inspire readers to visit the sites of abandoned villages, near home perhaps, or as they travel around Britain. This book is part of the Britain's Heritage series, which provides definitive introductions to the riches of Britain's past, and is the perfect way to get acquainted with the nation's abandoned villages in all their variety.

Über Stephen Fisk

Stephen Fisk became interested in abandoned villages after completing his career as a clinical psychologist. He visited places in all parts of Britain, talked to a lot of people, and carried out a great deal of research. He has produced the website Abandoned Communities.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Abandoned Villages Stephen Fisk
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Amberley Publishing
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