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Customers the Day After Tomorrow Steven Van Belleghem

Customers the Day After Tomorrow von Steven Van Belleghem

Customers the Day After Tomorrow Steven Van Belleghem

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Steven Van Belleghem uses his research into more than 300 innovative companies, to answer the question of how to be customer-oriented in a world of automation and digitalisation.

Customers the Day After Tomorrow Zusammenfassung

Customers the Day After Tomorrow: How to Attract Customers in a World of AI, Bots and Automation Steven Van Belleghem

Phase 3 of digitalisation has started. A phase of artificial intelligence has revolutionised the buying behaviour of customers: collecting information, the buying process and customer service have changed dramatically. This book explains the impact of the 'internet of things', virtual assistants, bots and client data. But first of all this is a book about customers. In a world of automatisation the most important question remains: how can I be customer-oriented? "Steven is a much asked for keynote speaker for our events, always a highlight. He has a unique and authentic style: with a combination of academic depth and well-built cases he spices up his presentations with a tremendous amount of humor." - Anthony Belpaire, Google.

Über Steven Van Belleghem

Steven Van Belleghem is an expert in customer focus in a digital world. He is a popular speaker at home and abroad. In his keynote presentations, Steven takes his audience on a journey to the world of modern customer relationships in a clever, enthusiastic and inspiring way. Steven is the author of three bestselling books. He became known for his first book, The Conversation Manager, which won the award for most innovative marketing book of 2010. Steven also wrote The Conversation Company and his most recent book, When Digital Becomes Human. When Digital Becomes Human received the award of 'Best Marketing Book of 2015'. Over 75,000 copies of his books were sold. Steven is also an entrepreneur. He is a partner in consultancy firm Nexxworks, a co-founder of Zembro (a wearable start-up) and the co-founder of content creation ompany Snackbytes. He spent the first 12 years of his career as a consultant and managing partner of the innovative market research company InSites Consulting. During that time, the company grew from 8 to 130 staff with offices in 5 countries. Steven is also a part-time marketing professor at Vlerick Business School. Steven's earlier works When Digital Becomes Human, The Conversation Manager and The Conversation Company have been translated to English.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Customers the Day After Tomorrow: How to Attract Customers in a World of AI, Bots and Automation Steven Van Belleghem
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Short-listed for Business Book Awards 2018
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