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Man and Boy Terence Rattigan

Man and Boy von Terence Rattigan

Man and Boy Terence Rattigan

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Gregor Antonescu arrives at the Greenwich Village apartment of his illegitimate son, Basil, for a business meeting. After achieving apparent success, he finds everything collapsing around him and learns from Basil that a warrant is out for his arrest. Basil offers help, but Gregor acquires a conscience and determines his own way out.

Man and Boy Zusammenfassung

Man and Boy: Play Terence Rattigan

Gregor Antonescu, a tycoon of Hungarian origin, arrives at the Greenwich Village apartment of his illegitimate son, Basil, for a business meeting to discuss a highly-profitable merger. After achieving apparent success, he finds everything collapsing around him and learns from Basil that a warrant is out for his arrest. Basil offers help, but Gregor acquires a conscience for the first time in his life and determines his own way out. A revival of this tense, psychological drama was seen to critical acclaim at the Duchess Theatre, London, in 2005, starring David Suchet as Gregor Antonescu.

Man and Boy Bewertungen

"... compelling drama..." Independent "... the financial scenes are appallingly funny and chilling." Independent on Sunday "... the play does two things that were always Rattigan's special forte: it enthrals its audience for two and a half hours and it penetrates the sad mysteries of the human heart to expose the terrible damage that love can do." Daily Telegraph"

Zusätzliche Informationen

Man and Boy: Play Terence Rattigan
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Samuel French Ltd
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