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The Author Tim Crouch

The Author von Tim Crouch

The Author Tim Crouch

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1


By the author of England and An Oak Tree.

The Author Zusammenfassung

The Author Tim Crouch

Tim Crouch's new play is about the abuse carried out in the name of the spectator; it is a story of hope, violence, and exploitation. Laugh with the actors, tap your feet to the music, and turn to your neighbor.

Über Tim Crouch

Tim Crouch is a UK theatre artist based in Brighton. He writes plays, performs in them and takes responsibility for their production. He started to make his own work in 2003. Before then he was an actor. Tim works with a number of associates and collaborators to produce his writing. There isn't a company structure; things and people are brought together when they are needed. The starting process has always been a text written by Crouch. Early work was made in response to a self-generated impulse to tell a story or explore a form. This impulse is still the first motivation but, lately, it's become slightly more formalized through the involvement of various commissioning theatres and organizations. Tim's work tours extensively to UK and international venues and festivals.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Author Tim Crouch
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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