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Facing Midlife Tony Horsfall

Facing Midlife von Tony Horsfall

Facing Midlife Tony Horsfall

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Facing Midlife Zusammenfassung

Facing Midlife Tony Horsfall

A book of undated biblical reflections, Facing Midlife is a unique devotional guide to one of the most spiritually important transitions in life. Midlife brings with it both difficulty and opportunity but the Scriptures show us how to handle these challenges wisely so that in the second half of life we reach our full potential and find our unique God-given vocation. In Facing Midlife Tony Horsfall shows that God is involved in the midlife transition, using it to shape and form us into the likeness of Christ, and to prepare us for the exciting calling he still has for us. Rather than to be avoided or ignored, the midlife transition is one to be embraced confidently in the knowledge that God is at work in all the circumstances of our lives.

Über Tony Horsfall

People around the world have been inspired and refreshed by Tony Horsfall's teaching and mentoring. As well as working as an international freelance trainer and retreat leader, he has written a number of other books for BRF, including Spiritual Growth in a Time of Change. Following God in Midlife (2016)-an important book on the subject of midlife, Deep Calls to Deep, Rhythms of Grace and Working from a Place of Rest. He also contributes to New Daylight Bible reading notes.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Facing Midlife Tony Horsfall
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship)
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