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Mere theology Will Vaus

Mere theology von Will Vaus

Mere theology Will Vaus

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A survey of Lewis's beliefs, based on the whole range of his writings.

Mere theology Zusammenfassung

Mere theology: A Guide To The Thought Of C. S. Lewis Will Vaus

What did C. S. Lewis believe about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, heaven, hell, creation, the fall, the forgiveness of sins, marriage and divorce, war and peace, the church and sacraments, masculinity and femininity? Lewis was not a professional theologian, but anyone who has read his writings - whether fiction or nonfiction, essays or correspondence - knows that profoundly Christian convictions permeate them all. The more one reads, the more it becomes clear that Lewis could write with clarity and simplicity while preserving theological accuracy because he was well informed and thoroughly grounded in the Christian faith. Will Vaus has masterfully brought together Lewis's thought from throughout his voluminous writings to provide us a full-orbed look into his beliefs on twenty-five Christian themes. This book gives us not only a comprehensive view of Lewis's theological convictions but also guidance and encouragement for our own spiritual journeys towards the God whom Lewis found so real, personal and present.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Mere theology: A Guide To The Thought Of C. S. Lewis Will Vaus
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Inter-Varsity Press
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