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Thinner This Year Workman Publishing

Thinner This Year von Workman Publishing

Thinner This Year Workman Publishing

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Features a game-changing weight-loss and exercise plan: eat decently and exercise seriously. Outlining a diet to follow (and explaining why dead food with few nutrients can make us dead, too!), this book enlists two of the best professionals in the field of sports training to work on the 25 Sacred Exercises.

Thinner This Year Zusammenfassung

Thinner This Year: A Younger Next Year Book Workman Publishing

In Thinner Next Year, Chris Crowley and nutritional scientist Jen Sacheck spell out a game-changing weight-loss and exercise plan: eat decently and exercise seriously. While Jen outlines a diet to follow (and explains why dead food with few nutrients can make us dead, too!), Chris enlists two of the best professionals in the field of sports training - Riggs Klika, Ph.D., a great trainer of both Olympic athletes and older people surviving cancer, and Bill Fabricini, PT, one of the most respected physical therapists in the USA - to work on the 25 Sacred Exercises. Do them, along with some serious cardio work, and, bingo! Drop the extra pounds, get fit, get sexy, stay young. Crowley's inspiring, often hilarious account of the Road to Svelte carries the reader along, making for a diet book that is fresh, readable, new.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Thinner This Year: A Younger Next Year Book Workman Publishing
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Workman Publishing
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