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Death Of A Clone Alex Thomson

Death Of A Clone von Alex Thomson

Death Of A Clone Alex Thomson

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An Agatha Christie thriller in space!

Death Of A Clone Zusammenfassung

Death Of A Clone Alex Thomson

The overseers may call it Hell, but for Leila and the other clones, the mining base on asteroid Mizushima-00109 is the only home they've ever known. But then Leila's sister Lily is murdered, and the Overseers seem less interested in solving the crime than in making their mining quota and returning to Earth.
Leila decides to find the murderer, just like the heroes of her old detective novels would. But Hell is a place of terrible secrets, and courage and determination-and a love of mysteries-may not be enough to keep Leila from ending up like her sister.

Über Alex Thomson

Alex Thomson has worked in the publishing industry for the last twelve years, selling translation rights for children's books, gardening books, yoga books, crystal books, cookery books, and lately sci-fi and fantasy books.

He wrote DEATH OF A CLONE on the train during his daily commute to London, scribbling away in biro in a notebook, surrounded by sweaty commuters. He has two small and lively boys, which explains why trying to write at home was not always a realistic option. His short fiction has been published in the Nocturne anthologies.

When not writing, he can be found whiling away the hours in board game cafes or playing the bongos.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Death Of A Clone Alex Thomson
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