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Baroness Cox Andrew Boyd

Baroness Cox von Andrew Boyd

Baroness Cox Andrew Boyd

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A biography of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords and human rights campaigner, Baroness Caroline Cox. Boyd accompanied Baroness Cox on her trip to the Sudan to buy freedom for the slaves captured by Arab traders, and in this book, he traces her life from her beginnings as a nurse and sociology lecturer to her current human rights activities.

Baroness Cox Zusammenfassung

Baroness Cox: A Voice for the Voiceless Andrew Boyd

This biography of Baroness Cox opens with an eye-witness account of slavery in modern Sudan and Caroline Cox's secret expeditions to buy freedom for the slaves captured by Arab traders in Sudan's war against black Africans in its southern regions. This is just one of her campaigns in an on-going patrol of the world's unpopular causes. The book tells the story of Baroness Cox's humble beginnings as a nurse, her nine-year fight as a Labour-voting sociology lecturer at North London University against the intimidation of the hard left. It recounts her elevation to the peerage by Margaret Thatcher and her hazardous treks into first Communist Poland and Moscow, then warring Nagorno Karabakh, Burma and North-East Africa on behalf of Christian Solidarity International.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Baroness Cox: A Voice for the Voiceless Andrew Boyd
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Lion Hudson Plc
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