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Holy Habits: Making More Disciples Andrew Roberts

Holy Habits: Making More Disciples von Andrew Roberts

Holy Habits: Making More Disciples Andrew Roberts

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Missional discipleship resources for churches

Holy Habits: Making More Disciples Zusammenfassung

Holy Habits: Making More Disciples: Missional discipleship resources for churches Andrew Roberts

Holy Habits is an initiative to nurture Christian discipleship. It explores Luke's model of church found in Acts 2:42-47, identifies ten habits and encourages the development of a way of life formed by them. These resources, which include an introductory guide, have been developed to help churches explore the habits in a range of contexts and live them out in whole-life, missional discipleship.

Über Andrew Roberts

Andrew Roberts is a Methodist minister working as Discipleship Specialist within the Discipleship and Ministries Learning Network, and author of the book Holy Habits (Malcolm Down Publishing, 2016). He previously served as Director of Training with Fresh Expressions and co-authored fresh: an introduction to fresh expressions and pioneer ministry. Rev Dr Neil Johnson is Co-Superintendent Minister of the Birmingham Methodist Circuit. Tom Milton is Communications Officer for the Birmingham Methodist Circuit.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Holy Habits: Making More Disciples: Missional discipleship resources for churches Andrew Roberts
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