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All Bodies Are Wonderful Beth Cox

All Bodies Are Wonderful von Beth Cox

All Bodies Are Wonderful Beth Cox

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Bodies can be tricky to understand! This book will help children to overcome worries and feel, most importantly, like they belong. Sometimes children might feel like their body is different. But being different is completely natural ... it's just science! Trust the experts to help you have big conversations together using this inclusive guide.

All Bodies Are Wonderful Zusammenfassung

All Bodies Are Wonderful: An Inclusive Guide for Talking About You Beth Cox

This book will help children to be themselves and feel like they belong. From the atoms that made them to the things that bodies can do, ALL bodies are wonderful. We know that bodies can be tricky to understand. Sometimes you might feel like your body is different. But being different is completely natural ... it's just science! Trust the experts to help you have big conversations together using this inclusive guide.

Über Beth Cox

Beth Cox is an Inclusion and Equality Consultant and a co-founder of Inclusive Minds (R), an initiative that connects publishers with young people with lived experience of marginalisation. She's passionate about inclusion in all aspects of life, and understands that the acceptance and appreciation of a diverse range of bodies is integral to this. Beth is the author of the Level Headers series, alongside Natalie Costa. Samantha is a freelance illustrator from Leicester who lives and works in North London. After a degree in Illustration at Loughborough and five years as an in-house designer at Usborne, Samantha has illustrated over 200 books!

Zusätzliche Informationen

All Bodies Are Wonderful: An Inclusive Guide for Talking About You Beth Cox
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
b small publishing limited
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