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How to Be Narstie Big Narstie

How to Be Narstie von Big Narstie

How to Be Narstie Big Narstie

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Sometimes the people who give the most advice to others are the last people you should be listening to. That's the sort of advice you might get from this book, and I'll warn you sometimes the truth ain't pretty.

How to Be Narstie Zusammenfassung

How to Be Narstie: Real talk on humble starts, big dreams and beating the odds Big Narstie

Mans here to help you help yourself.

Real talk. One thing you've got to know about advice: there are two types. Sometimes the people who give the most advice to others are the last people you should be listening to. They just love the sound of their own voice. No matter what the problem is, they'll just say: 'Believe in yourself, you can do anything.' And then ... well, then there's the kind of advice that's just the truth. That's the sort of advice you might get from this book, and I'll warn you sometimes the truth ain't pretty.

In these pages I'm gonna tell you some of my story and show you how you can change yours: how to survive school, how to get a job, how to deal with family, friends, love and PAIN. How to live your own life, not someone else's.

Über Big Narstie

Hailing from Brixton, South London, Big Narstie is a grime artist, TV presenter and internet personality. He is the host of his own Channel 4 show, The Big Narstie Show, which was nominated for a BAFTA, a National Television Award and also won the RTS award for Best Entertainment Performance in 2019. He is one of the grime scene's greatest talents, with over 60 million streams, a top-10 single, he has been awarded Best Grime Act at the Urban Music Awards five times. He has millions of YouTube views for his content, has appeared on various national TV panel shows, has read the weather on Good Morning Britain and debated Shakespeare at the Oxford Union.

Zusätzliche Informationen

How to Be Narstie: Real talk on humble starts, big dreams and beating the odds Big Narstie
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Ebury Publishing
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