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Factfiles: The History of the English Language Brigit Viney

Factfiles: The History of the English Language von Brigit Viney

Factfiles: The History of the English Language Brigit Viney

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Tells a story of invasion and conquest, of exploration and adventure, of poetry and literature, of business and technology. Find out how people like St Augustine, William of Normandy, William Shakespeare, Noah Webster, and others have influenced and shaped the English language.

Factfiles: The History of the English Language Zusammenfassung

Factfiles: The History of the English Language Brigit Viney

Today, English is spoken or used by nearly a quarter of all the people in the world. But who were the first speakers of the language and how has the language changed? How did English travel across the globe and how will it change in the future? Here is a story of invasion and conquest, of exploration and adventure, of poetry and literature, of business and technology. Find out how people like St Augustine, William of Normandy, William Shakespeare, Noah Webster, and many others have influenced and shaped the English language.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Factfiles: The History of the English Language Brigit Viney
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Oxford University Press
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