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Valegro - The Legend Carl Hester MBE FBHS

Valegro - The Legend von Carl Hester MBE FBHS

Valegro - The Legend Carl Hester MBE FBHS

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Valegro: The Legend, is the sixth and final book in The Blueberry series, specially written for all readers, young and old, who have been captivated by the most successful dressage horse of all time Valegro!

Valegro - The Legend Zusammenfassung

Valegro - The Legend: The Blueberry Stories Book Six Carl Hester MBE FBHS

Valegro: The Legend, is the sixth and final book in The Blueberry series, specially written for all readers, young and old, who have been captivated by the most successful dressage horse of all time Valegro!

Written from the viewpoint of Blueberry (Valegro) himself, with his own take on his friendships and lessons learned from all his equine, canine, feline and human friends, this book takes the reader to Valegro's final competitions, towards his retirement from competitive dressage. Has the little brown horse achieved all his ambitions or is there still something he feels he has left undone?

Author Carl Hester MBE, is a veteran of no fewer than five Olympic Games and has, with his unique, revolutionary and humane methods of training, influenced the training and performance of dressage horses for the better throughout the world. Each book in the Blueberry series offers insights into his own methods at his yard in Gloucestershire, and some of his menagerie of animals who live there feature in the books. A delightful read for anyone who has been fascinated by this amazing horse, and wants to learn more about how he became the best the world has ever seen.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Valegro - The Legend: The Blueberry Stories Book Six Carl Hester MBE FBHS
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Troubador Publishing
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