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MG 34 and MG 42 Machine Guns Chris McNab

MG 34 and MG 42 Machine Guns von Chris McNab

MG 34 and MG 42 Machine Guns Chris McNab

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With the MG 34, the German Wehrmacht introduced an entirely new concept in automatic firepower - the general-purpose machine gun (GPMG). This study explores the technological development, varied roles and lasting influence of the revolutionary MG 34 and MG 42 machine guns and their postwar successors.

MG 34 and MG 42 Machine Guns Zusammenfassung

MG 34 and MG 42 Machine Guns Chris McNab

With the MG 34, the German Wehrmacht introduced an entirely new concept in automatic firepower the general-purpose machine gun (GPMG). In itself the MG 34 was an excellent weapon: an air-cooled, recoil-operated machine gun that could deliver killing firepower at ranges of more than 1,000m. Yet simply by changing its mount and feed mechanism, the operator could radically transform its function. On its standard bipod it was a light machine gun, ideal for infantry assaults; on a tripod it could serve as a sustained-fire medium machine gun. During World War II, the MG 34 was superseded by a new GPMG the MG 42. More efficient to manufacture and more robust, it had a blistering 1,200rpm rate of fire. Nicknamed Hitlers buzzsaw by Allied troops, it was arguably the finest all-round GPMG ever produced, and alongside the MG 34 it inflicted heavy casualties. Featuring specially commissioned full-colour artwork and drawing upon numerous technical manuals and first-hand accounts, this study explores the technological development, varied roles and lasting influence of the revolutionary MG 34 and MG 42 machine guns and their postwar successors.

Über Chris McNab

Chris McNab is an author and editor. To date he has published over 25 books, including A History of the World in 100 Weapons, Hitlers Armies and The Uzi Submachine Gun for Osprey. Chris has also written extensively for major encyclopedia series, including African-American Biographies (2006), USA 1950s (2006) and Reformation, Exploration and Empire (2005), and has contributed to The Times on the war in Iraq.


Introduction /Development /Use /Impact /Conclusion /Select Bibliography /Index

Zusätzliche Informationen

MG 34 and MG 42 Machine Guns Chris McNab
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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