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The Power of Persistent Prayer Cindy Jacobs

The Power of Persistent Prayer von Cindy Jacobs

The Power of Persistent Prayer Cindy Jacobs

16,99 €
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Recognized worldwide prayer leader addresses common questions about prayer, providing biblical answers for both new believers and long-time Christians.

The Power of Persistent Prayer Zusammenfassung

The Power of Persistent Prayer: Praying With Greater Purpose and Passion Cindy Jacobs

For All Christians Eager to Break Through to a Deeper, More Effective Prayer Life Here, for the first time in trade paper, Cindy Jacobs, bestselling author and recognized leader in the worldwide prayer movement, brings her passionate message to all Christians who struggle with prayer or desire to be more effective prayer warriors. This powerful guide includes questions like "Why does it take so long to receive answers to my prayers?" and "How can I take my prayer life to the next level?" Jacobs addresses these and many more concerns and provides solid biblical answers. Written out of the crucible of her own deep prayer life, Jacobs starts with basic teaching and builds up to in-depth topics, including fasting and spiritual warfare.

Über Cindy Jacobs

Cindy Jacobs is one of the leaders of the modern prayer movement. She and her husband, Mike, are the founders of Generals International, and she speaks worldwide to hundreds of thousands each year. Cindy has written several books, including the bestselling Possessing the Gates of the Enemy. Her television program, God Knows, is seen on the God Channel as well as around the world. Cindy and Mike reside in Dallas Texas.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Power of Persistent Prayer: Praying With Greater Purpose and Passion Cindy Jacobs
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Baker Publishing Group
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