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Innocent's Nine-Month Scandal Dani Collins

Innocent's Nine-Month Scandal von Dani Collins

Innocent's Nine-Month Scandal Dani Collins

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"If you're pregnant...

...you'll marry me."

Innocent's Nine-Month Scandal Zusammenfassung

Innocent's Nine-Month Scandal (One Night With Consequences, Book 52) Dani Collins

"If you're pregnant...

...you'll marry me."

Control is everything to billionaire Viktor Rohan. Then Rozalia Toth appears on his mansion's doorstep, looking for a family heirloom, and throws his world into chaos! Her sweetness intrigues him beyond measure...and as their inescapable chemistry explodes, Viktor realises Rozi's innocence isn't an act! But their passion has consequences, and Viktor refuses to let scandal ruin his family again. Their baby will be legitimate! And Rozi? She will be his...

Über Dani Collins

When Canadian Dani Collins found romance novels in high school she immediately wondered how one trained for such an awesome job. She began writing, trying various genres, but always came back to her first love, Harlequin Presents. Often distracted by family and "real" jobs, she continued writing, inspired by the romance message that if you hang in there you'll reach a happy ending. In May of 2012, Harlequin offered to buy her manuscript in a two-book deal. She is living happily ever after.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Innocent's Nine-Month Scandal (One Night With Consequences, Book 52) Dani Collins
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
HarperCollins Publishers
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