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Humpty Dumpty Flip-Side Rhymes Danny Chatzikonstantinou

Humpty Dumpty Flip-Side Rhymes von Danny Chatzikonstantinou

Humpty Dumpty Flip-Side Rhymes Danny Chatzikonstantinou

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, but what if the king's men told the rhyme? In this novel approach to nursery rhymes, half the book holds the classic rhyme, while the flip-side holds a fractured version that starts from the back. Whimsical art adds to the flip-side fun.

Humpty Dumpty Flip-Side Rhymes Zusammenfassung

Humpty Dumpty Flip-Side Rhymes Danny Chatzikonstantinou

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, but what if the king's men told the rhyme? In this novel approach to nursery rhymes, half the book holds the classic rhyme, while the flip-side holds a fractured version that starts from the back. Whimsical art adds to the flip-side fun.

Über Danny Chatzikonstantinou

Christopher L. Harbo discovered his love of comic books as an adult when he stumbled on a copy of Stan Sakai's comic Usagi Yojimbo. Today, Christopher's bookshelves are loaded with comics and graphic novels from around the world. When he's not reading, Christopher enjoys practicing origami, watching Japanese anime, and working in his garden.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Humpty Dumpty Flip-Side Rhymes Danny Chatzikonstantinou
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Capstone Global Library Ltd
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