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Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man David R. Hawkins

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man von David R. Hawkins

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man David R. Hawkins

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Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man Zusammenfassung

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man David R. Hawkins

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man is the seventh book in a progressive series based on the revelations of consciousness research. It describes in detail how to discern not only truth from falsehood but also the illusion of appearance from the actual core of inner reality. The text explains how to differentiate perception from essence and thereby enables the reader to resolve the ambiguities and classical riddles that have challenged mankind for centuries and baffled the best minds in history. While modern technologies have provided a plethora of new toys and conveniences, the basic problems of human existence remain. The human dilemma is in fact more confused than ever before, and the very foundations of Western civilization have weakened under the onslaughts of rival factions and media barrage. Even the government is paralyzed by the gridlock of vociferous contentiousness.

Über David R. Hawkins

David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD, was Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc., and Founder of the Path of Devotional Nonduality. He was renowned as a pioneering researcher in the field of consciousness, as well as author, lecturer, clinician, physician and scientist. He served as an adviser to Catholic, Protestant and Buddhist monasteries; appeared on major network television and radio programmes; and lectured widely at such places as Westminster Abbey, the Oxford Forum, the University of Notre Dame and Harvard University. www.veritaspub.com

Zusätzliche Informationen

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man David R. Hawkins
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hay House UK Ltd
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