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Evolutionary Astrology Deva Green

Evolutionary Astrology von Deva Green

Evolutionary Astrology Deva Green

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Evolutionary Astrology Zusammenfassung

Evolutionary Astrology: Pluto and Your Karmic Mission Deva Green

Every aspect of the self, from our ambitions and motivations to the soul's evolutionary journey, can be traced back to Pluto. This powerful planet of transformation is the key to understanding the factors in your natal chart, ultimately revealing your karmic mission. Inspired by Jeffrey Wolf Green's best-selling Pluto, Volume I, this groundbreaking astrology book offers clear, step-by-step instruction and practical application of his original work's methods. Pinpoint your soul's evolutionary stage by locating Pluto in your natal chart. Gain insight into your psychological makeup, identify your soul's evolutionary stage, and discover your true purpose in this life. Fascinating case studies of famous figures throughout history such as Richard Nixon and Nostradamus lend a vibrant and personal touch to the core principles of evolutionary astrology. As you master these techniques, you will reconnect with an evolving sense of purpose and actualize your potential for spiritual growth.

Über Deva Green

Deva Green has lectured at the Evolutionary Astrology Conference and the NORWAC conference. She now runs the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology

Zusätzliche Informationen

Evolutionary Astrology: Pluto and Your Karmic Mission Deva Green
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Wessex Astrologer Ltd
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