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How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life Dr Karen Gurney

How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life von Dr Karen Gurney

How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life Dr Karen Gurney

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Essential reading for expectant and new parents - showing how to protect, enhance and future proof your sex life after kids.

How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life Zusammenfassung

How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life: Navigating the Parenting Years with Your Relationship Intact Dr Karen Gurney

'A complete game-changer for my relationship' Hannah Witton

'Throw away the "new baby" books, THIS is the only book all parents need to read' Dr Martha Deiros Collado

'An inclusive, expert guide to an issue that affects all kinds of parents' Tom Cox (@unlikelydad)

There's a saying that having a baby is like a bomb going off in your relationship, and our sex lives are often part of the destruction left behind. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Sexual satisfaction is at its lowest for couples who have young families. Sleepless nights, plus changes to our bodies, identities and priorities mean that the passion that brought you together can start to feel like a distant memory. But how can you retain a great sexual connection even when you have so little time? How can you make sure that you still feel like sexual partners not just strung out co-parents at the end of the day?

Dr Karen Gurney is a consultant clinical psychologist and certified psychosexologist. In this essential book for parents everywhere, she will show you how to navigate the changes to your intimate lives that starting a family inevitably brings - and ensure you have great sex, forever. You'll discover how to communicate, how to invite intimacy, how to avoid key relationship pitfalls and how to survive the chaos and pressures of family life, and sleep deprivation at every stage. Optimistic, wise and compassionate, this book shows you how to protect your sex life after kids, (re)connect with both your own sexual self and your partner's, and how to have a mutually satisfying sexual relationship, long-term.

How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life Bewertungen

This was a complete game-changer for my relationship * Hannah Witton *
Throw away the 'new baby' books, THIS is the only book all parents need to read * Dr Martha Deiros Collado *
If only we all had Dr Gurney to come and educate us all at medical school. Trust me, I'll be handing out copies of this book to my colleagues! * Dr Anita Mitra (@gynaegeek) *
An inclusive, expert guide to an issue that affects all kinds of parents -- Tom Cox (@unlikelydad)

Über Dr Karen Gurney

Dr Karen Gurney is a consultant clinical psychologist and certified psychosexologist, and is a recognised national expert in the theory and practice of therapy around all aspects of sexual wellbeing and function. She is currently Head of Wellbeing Services at the award winning sexual health clinic 56 Dean Street (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust), as well as Director of The Havelock Clinic, an independent sexual problems service based in London. Dr Gurney regularly writes and is featured in publications such as Vogue and Marie Claire as well as appearing on podcasts, radio and TV. Dr Gurney has given two TED talks, the latter of which has had over 1.6 million views. Dr Gurney is on Instagram as @thesexdoctor. She is the author of Mind the Gap and How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life.

Zusätzliche Informationen

How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life: Navigating the Parenting Years with Your Relationship Intact Dr Karen Gurney
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