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Its Not Fair Eloise Rickman

Its Not Fair von Eloise Rickman

Its Not Fair Eloise Rickman

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Its Not Fair Zusammenfassung

Its Not Fair: why its time for a grown-up conversation about how adults treat children Eloise Rickman

Why do some adults think its fine to hit children? Why does the school system fail so many pupils? And when their future is on the line, why cant children vote?

How we treat children isnt fair. Despite the lip service paid to their rights, children are still discriminated against in every aspect of their lives: rising levels of child poverty, underfunded and outdated education and childcare systems, controlling parenting practices, and political systems that exclude their voices on issues which will affect them most not least the climate crisis.

Children are not passive victims of oppression, but their resistance and struggle for equality has been largely ignored by the wider social justice movement until now. In this groundbreaking manifesto, Eloise Rickman argues that its time to stop viewing children as less than adults and start fighting for their rights to be taken seriously.

Radical, compassionate, and profoundly hopeful, this powerful new book signals the start of a long-overdue conversation about how we treat children. Featuring practical solutions and the voices of children and adults who are working towards them,It's Not Fairis a call to embrace childrens liberation and the possibility of a better, fairer world.

Its Not Fair Bewertungen

Theres plenty to learn about and be inspired by in this impressive book. Read it, absorb it, share it, and then get busy making change!

-- carla joy bergman, editor of Trust Kids and co-author of Joyful Militancy

Groundbreaking Its Not Fair is an important and illuminating book about the injustices faced by children from adults, and how we can do better. It should be read by everyone who cares about creating a fairer world, whether or not they have children in their lives.

-- Professor Susan Golombok, Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Family Research, and author of We Are Family

Revolutionary yet compassionate, Its Not Fair offers a persuasive and paradigm-shifting argument for childrens equality. Rickmans deep research, forensic examination, and passionate yet practical tone make this an engaging and hopeful book that simultaneously challenges our deeply held views and offers radical new ideas for childrens inclusion in the societies they are soon to inherit. A must-read for parents, educators, activists, and anyone who wishes their voice had been heard as a child.

-- Rebecca Schiller, author of Earthed

This is a book steeped in compassion and humanity. Its Not Fair offers hope that a kinder, fairer world is possible. I devoured it.

-- Caro Giles, author of Twelve Moons: a year under a shared sky

Thought-provoking, thorough, and passionately argued. Be prepared to have your mind changed this may well be the most important book you read all year.

-- Penny Wincer, author of Tender

Brilliant and empowering. Through a detailed and perceptive critique of the systems, policies, and prejudices which make life harder for children, Eloise Rickman highlights how routinely they are discriminated against. Its Not Fair is a call to arms for adults everywhere to deeply listen to, act upon, and amplify the wisdom of children.

-- Emma Svanberg, author of Parenting for Humans

This wise and powerful book is a clarion call for childrens liberation from adultism that is beautifully written, deeply researched, and richly grounded in childrens experiences.

-- Professor John Wall, Director of the Childism Institute and Co-Director of the Childrens Voting Colloquium at Rutgers University in Camden

Enlightening and transformative In todays rapidly changing world, where children face unprecedented challenges, Eloise Rickman emerges as a voice for change. Her book is an indispensable guide for navigating the complexities of caring for children in the 21st century.

-- Leah Boden, author of Modern Miss Mason

Persuasive ... A much-needed manifesto for childrens rights in a world that so often ignores their voices.

-- Professor Pragya Agarwal, author of (M)otherhood

Praise for Extraordinary Parenting:

This timely book has something to offer all parents seasoned homeschoolers, those thrust into homeschooling unexpectedly, and those who wish to improve their relationships with children educated at school. Insightful, empowering, and accessible.

-- Professor Susan Golombok, Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Family Research, and author of We Are Family: what really matters for parents and children

Praise for Extraordinary Parenting:

An inspiring, creative, and helpful book for parents. Its reminded me that there are simple tweaks we can make to our daily family lives to boost energy and morale.

-- Annie Ridout, author of The Freelance Mum

Praise for Extraordinary Parenting:

This book feels like a big hug just when we need it. Eloises words offer reassurance, calm, and lots of practical suggestions.

-- Simone Davies, author of The Montessori Toddler

Über Eloise Rickman

Eloise Rickman is a writer and parent educator. Her work focuses on challenging adultism (the discrimination children face), championing rights-based parenting and alternative education, and helping parents and educators rethink how they see and treat children. She is studying for an MA in Childrens Rights at UCLs Institute of Education and has a degree in Social Anthropology from Cambridge University, where she first became interested in how family practices shape society. Her first book, Extraordinary Parenting, was published in 2020. She lives in London with her husband and daughter.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Its Not Fair: why its time for a grown-up conversation about how adults treat children Eloise Rickman
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