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Music for Life Fiona Maddocks (Classical Music Critic - Observer)

Music for Life von Fiona Maddocks (Classical Music Critic - Observer)

Music for Life Fiona Maddocks (Classical Music Critic - Observer)

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How does music reflect the key moments in our lives? Fiona Maddocks selects 100 classical works from across nine centuries, arguing passionately, persuasively and at times obstinately for their inclusion, putting each work in its cultural and musical context, discussing omissions, suggesting alternatives and always putting the music first.

Music for Life Zusammenfassung

Music for Life: 100 Works to Carry You Through Fiona Maddocks (Classical Music Critic - Observer)

How does music reflect the key moments in our lives? How do we choose the works that inspire, delight, comfort or console? Fiona Maddocks selects 100 classical works from across nine centuries, arguing passionately, persuasively and at times obstinately for their inclusion, putting each work in its cultural and musical context, discussing omissions, suggesting alternatives and always putting the music first.

Über Fiona Maddocks (Classical Music Critic - Observer)

Fiona Maddocks is the Classical Music critic of the Observer. She was founder editor of BBC Music Magazine and chief arts feature writer for the London Evening Standard, and has written for numerous other publications. She is the author of Hildegard of Bingen: The Woman of Her Age (Faber) and Harrison Birtwistle: Wild Tracks - A Conversation Diary with Fiona Maddocks (Faber).

Zusätzliche Informationen

Music for Life: 100 Works to Carry You Through Fiona Maddocks (Classical Music Critic - Observer)
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Faber & Faber
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