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The Gallery Fredrica Alleyn

The Gallery von Fredrica Alleyn

The Gallery Fredrica Alleyn

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1


Police officer Cressida Farleigh is called in to investigate a mysterious art fraud at a gallery specialising in modern erotic works.

Her long time detective boyfriend is soon getting jealous, but Cressida is also in the process of seducing a young artist of erotic images.

The Gallery Zusammenfassung

The Gallery Fredrica Alleyn

Police officer Cressida Farleigh is called in to investigate a mysterious art fraud at a gallery specialising in modern erotic works. The gallery's owner is under suspicion, but is also a charming and powerfully attractive man who throws the young woman's powers of detection into confusion.

Her long time detective boyfriend is soon getting jealous, but Cressida is also in the process of seducing a young artist of erotic images. As she finds herself drawn into a web of power games and personal discovery, the crimes continue and the case becomes ever more complex.

Über Fredrica Alleyn

Fredrica Alleyn is the pseudonym of an author who also writes crime and horror fiction. She lives in Lincoln.

She is the author of Cassandra's Chateau, Cassandra's Conflict, Dark Obsession, Deborah's Discovery, Dramatic Affairs, Fiona's Fate and The Gallery, also available from Black Lace.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Gallery Fredrica Alleyn
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Ebury Publishing
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