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The Weather Companion Gary Lockhart

The Weather Companion von Gary Lockhart

The Weather Companion Gary Lockhart

6,69 €
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The Weather Companion An Album of Meteorological History, Science, Legend, and Folklore Throughout history, as farmer, sailor, hunter, and artist, humans have watched and worried about the weather. We have devised ways to observe it, to predict it, to protect ourselves from it, to take advantage of it.

The Weather Companion Zusammenfassung

The Weather Companion: An Album of Meteorological History, Science, Legend and Folklore Gary Lockhart

The Weather Companion An Album of Meteorological History, Science, Legend, and Folklore Throughout history, as farmer, sailor, hunter, and artist, humans have watched and worried about the weather. We have devised ways to observe it, to predict it, to protect ourselves from it, to take advantage of it. It plays a major role in the science and folklore of every culture. Gary Lockhart's The Weather Companion is a fascinating compendium of meteorological facts and fables, from ancient myths to the latest research, from the rain forests to the desert regions. You'll learn about the meteorology of Noah's flood; methods of forecasting; the behavior of weather cycles; weather predictors such as the thickness of corn husks, the height of saw grass, and the behavior of animals; weather prophets; and much more. Gary Lockhart reveals what makes rain "smell," how natural barometers work, and the long history of weather fish, once kept to predict rain, and revived during China's Cultural Revolution. You'll even learn the best time to go fishing! Beautifully illustrated, captivating and original, The Weather Companion is a delightful experience for all ages. Your skies and sunsets will never be the same.

Über Gary Lockhart

Gary Lockhart is a chemist, process engineer, and weather hobbyist whose meteorological research has taken him to major university libraries all over the West.


Weather Past. Weather Tools. Weather Phenomena. Storm Warnings. Weather and Wildlife. Botanical Weather. The Weather, You, and Me. Bibliography. Index.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Weather Companion: An Album of Meteorological History, Science, Legend and Folklore Gary Lockhart
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John Wiley and Sons Ltd
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