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Birds of Ireland Glynn Anderson

Birds of Ireland von Glynn Anderson

Birds of Ireland Glynn Anderson

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Irish bird names are rich and full of meaning. This book focuses on our interaction with birds, covering mythology and folklore, birds as omens, harbingers and food, and bird-related beliefs, proverbs and curses. A species-by-species account gives a description and associated beliefs, culinary traditions, place names and a Facts & Figures section.

Birds of Ireland Zusammenfassung

Birds of Ireland: Facts, Folklore and History Glynn Anderson

Birds have been part of our culture and folklore from very early times but there is more to them than the 'wran' boys and the Children of Lir. In Irish mythology, birds were sometimes seen as omens, and there were countless beliefs, proverbs and curses associated with them: we believed cuckoos turned into hawks, woodcock holidayed on the moon and some birds grew on trees. Birds inspired poets such as Gerard Manley Hopkins, W. B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney and they influenced place names like the Curlew Mountains in Roscommon and Hawk's Nest, County Antrim. Even their own names are rich and full of meaning - the Irish for starling is druid, the dotteral is known as Amadan Mointeach which means 'bog idiot' and the dunnock was called Mathair Cheile which translates as 'mother-in-law'. A unique companion to bird-identification reference books, Birds of Ireland focuses on our interaction with birds, wild, domesticated and extinct. Glynn Anderson identifies over 150 birds of Ireland, giving each name (in Irish and English) and its meaning, a description and associated beliefs, myths, legends, weather lore, culinary traditions and place names. Each entry ends with a 'Facts & Figures' section, such as species numbers in Ireland, where it is common and its longevity. Beautifully illustrated with full-colour illustrations of all birds this is a rewarding treasure trove for bird lovers and general readers alike.

Birds of Ireland Bewertungen

'Rich celebration of the interplay of birds with ancient human needs for magic and mystery, not to mention a well-shaped story or poem' The Irish Times 'A marvellous compendium of birds history and folklore ... a testament to the author's and publisher's dedication to excellence' Walking World Ireland

Über Glynn Anderson

GLYNN ANDERSON from Dublin is an amateur naturalist with a passion for writing and nature. He has moved from a career in IT to work in closer contact with the environment. He is now a guide and information officer at the National Botanic Gardens, Dublin.


Preface xiv Acknowledgements xv 1 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK 1.1 Species Layout 1 1.2 Images 3 1.3 Conventions 3 1.4 Abbreviations used in 'Names' sections 4 2 AN OVERVIEW OF THE HISTORY & FOLKLORE OF IRISH BIRDS 2.1 A Brief History of Birds in Ireland 5 2.2 Birds as Predictors of the Future 15 2.3 Birds in Irish Mythology 16 2.4 Birds as Food 17 2.5 Bird Folklore Themes 20 2.5.1 General Beliefs 20 Forewarning 23 Luck 24 Odd Beliefs 25 Health & Cures 27 2.5.2 Weather Lore 28 2.5.3 Migration Beliefs 29 2.5.4 Fishy Birds 31 2.5.5 Folklore in Language 32 Proverbs 32 Curses 35 Similes 36 2.6 Bird Names 38 2.6.1 Familiar Bird Names 40 2.6.2 Standardisation of Bird Names 42 3 WILD BIRDS - AeIN FHI INE 3.1 Loons (Divers) - Lomai 44 3.1.1 The Great Northern Loon - Loma mor 45 3.1.2 The Black-throated Loon - Loma Artach 46 3.1.3 The Red-throated Loon - Loma rua 47 3.2 Grebes - Foithigh 48 3.2.1 The Great Crested Grebe - Foitheach mor 48 3.2.2 The Horned Grebe - Foitheach cluasach - & the Black-necked Grebe - Foitheach pibdhubh 50 3.2.3 The Little Grebe - Spagaire tonn 52 3.3 Herons & Egrets - Corra 's Aeigriti 54 3.3.1 The Little Egret - Aeigrit bheag 56 3.3.2 The (Grey) Heron - Corr reisc 56 3.4 Ducks, Geese & Swans - Lachain, Geanna 's Ealai 59 3.4.1 The Mute Swan - Eala bhalbh 61 3.4.2 TheWhooper Swan - Eala ghlorach - & Bewick's Swan - Eala Bewick 63 3.4.3 The Brent Goose - Cadhan 68 3.4.4 The Barnacle Goose - Ge ghiurainn 69 3.4.5 The (Greater)White-fronted Goose - Ge bhaneadanach 71 3.4.6 The (Common) Shelduck - Seil-lacha 73 3.4.7 The (Northern) Shoveler - Spadalach 74 3.4.8 The (Common) Goldeneye - A"rshuileach 75 3.4.9 The Tufted Duck - Lacha bhadanach - & the (Greater) Scaup - Lacha iascan 77 3.4.10 The (Common) Pochard - Poiseard 78 3.4.11 The (Eurasian) Teal - Praslacha 79 3.4.12 The Garganey - Praslacha shamhraidh 81 3.4.13 The Gadwall - Gadual 82 3.4.14 The (Eurasian)Wigeon - Rualacha 83 3.4.15 The (Northern) Pintail - Biorearrach 84 3.4.16 The Black Scoter - Scotar 85 3.4.17 The (Common) Eider - Aeadar 86 3.4.18 The Long-tailed Duck - Lacha earrfhada 87 3.4.19 The Mergansers - Sioltai 88 3.5 OtherWater Birds 90 3.5.1 The (Northern) Gannet - Gainead 90 3.5.2 The (Northern) Fulmar - Fulmaire 92 3.5.3 The Manx Shearwater - Canog dhubh 93 3.5.4 The (European) Storm Petrel - Guairdeall 94 3.5.5 The (Great) Cormorant - Broigheall - & (European) Shag - Seaga 96 3.5.6 The Corncrake - Traonach - & theWater Rail - Ralog uisce 99 3.5.7 The (Eurasian) Coot - Cearc cheannann - & the (Common) Moorhen - Cearc uisce 102 3.5.8 The Skuas - Meirligh 104 3.6 Birds of Prey - Aein Chreiche 106 3.6.1 The Hen Harrier - Croman na gcearc 108 3.6.2 The (Common) Buzzard - Clamhan 109 3.6.3 The (Eurasian) Sparrowhawk - Spiorog 110 3.6.4 The (Common) Kestrel - Pocaire gaoithe 112 3.6.5 The Merlin - Meirliun 113 3.6.6 The Peregrine (Falcon) - Fabhcun gorm 115 3.7 Other Large Land Birds 116 3.7.1 The Red Grouse - Cearc fhraoigh 116 3.7.2 The (Grey) Partridge - Patraisc 118 3.7.3 The (Common) Pheasant - Piasun 120 3.7.4 The (Common) Quail - Gearg 122 3.7.5 The (Common) Cuckoo - Cuach 124 3.7.6 The (European) Nightjar - Tuirne lin 129 3.8 Waders (Shore Birds) - Lapairi 131 3.8.1 The (Eurasian) Oystercatcher - Roilleach 131 3.8.2 The (Common) Ringed Plover - Feadog chladaigh 133 3.8.3 The (Northern) Lapwing - Pilibin 134 3.8.4 The (Eurasian) Dotterel - Amadan mointeach 135 3.8.5 The (European) Golden Plover - Feadog bhui - & the Grey Plover - Feadog ghlas 136 3.8.6 The Ruff - Rufachan 138 3.8.7 The (Red) Knot - Cnotai - the Dunlin - Breacog - & the Sanderling - Luathran 139 3.8.8 The Purple Sandpiper - Gobadan cosbhui 141 3.8.9 The (Ruddy) Turnstone - Piardalai tra 142 3.8.10 The (Eurasian) Curlew - Crotach - & the Whimbrel - Crotach eanaigh 142 3.8.11 The Godwits - Guilbnigh 145 3.8.12 The (Common) Redshank - Cosdeargan 147 3.8.13 The (Common) Greenshank - Laidhrin glas 148 3.8.14 The (Common) Sandpiper - Gobadan (coiteann) 149 3.8.15 The (Common) Snipe - Naoscach - & the Jack Snipe - Naoscach bhideach 150 3.8.16 The (Eurasian)Woodcock - Creabhar 154 3.8.17 The Phalaropes - Falaroip 156 3.9 Gulls & Terns - Faoileain 's Geabhroga 158 3.9.1 The Great Black-backed Gull - Droimneach mor - & the Lesser Black-backed Gull - Droimneach beag 160 3.9.2 The (European) Herring Gull - Faoilean scadan 161 3.9.3 The Common Gull - Faoilean ban 162 3.9.4 The (Common) Black-headed Gull - Sleibhin 163 3.9.5 The (Black-legged) Kittiwake - Saidhbhear 164 3.9.6 The Common Tern - Geabhrog - & Arctic Tern - Geabhrog Artach 165 3.9.7 The (Atlantic) Roseate Tern - Geabhrog rosach 167 3.9.8 The Little Tern - Geabhrog bheag 168 3.9.9 The Sandwich Tern - Geabhrog scothdhubh 169 3.10 Auks - Falcoga 170 3.10.1 The (Common) Guillemot - Foracha - & the Black Guillemot - Foracha dhubh 170 3.10.2 The Razorbill - Crosan 173 3.10.3 The (Atlantic) Puffin - Puifin 174 3.10.4 The Little Auk - Falcog bheag 176 3.11 Pigeons & Doves - Coluir 's Fearain 177 3.11.1 The Feral Pigeon/Rock Dove - Colm aille 178 3.11.2 The Stock Dove - Colm gorm 180 3.11.3 The (Common)Woodpigeon - Colm coille 181 3.11.4 The (Eurasian) Collared Dove - Fearan baicdhubh - & the (European) Turtle Dove - Fearan 182 3.12 Owls - Ulchabhain 184 3.12.1 The Barn Owl - Screachog reilige 185 3.12.2 The Long-eared Owl - Ceann cait - & Short-eared Owl - Ulchabhan reisc 187 3.13 Swallows, Martins & Swifts - Fainleoga 's Gabhlain 189 3.13.1 The (Barn) Swallow - Fainleog 190 3.13.2 The (Common) House Martin - Gabhlan binne 192 3.13.3 The Sand Martin - Gabhlan gainimh 193 3.13.4 The (Common) Swift - Gabhlan gaoithe 194 3.14 Pipits - Riabhoga 196 3.14.1 The Meadow Pipit - Riabhog mhona 197 3.14.2 The (Eurasian) Rock Pipit - Riabhog chladaigh 198 3.15 Wagtails - Glasoga 199 3.15.1 The PiedWagtail - Glasog shraide - & the White Wagtail - Glasog bhan 199 3.15.2 The GreyWagtail - Glasog liath 201 3.16 Thrushes - Smolaigh 202 3.16.1 The (Common) Blackbird - Lon dubh/Ceirseach 203 3.16.2 The Ring Ouzel - Lon creige 206 3.16.3 The Song Thrush - Smolach (ceoil) 207 3.16.4 The Mistle Thrush - Liatraisc 209 3.16.5 The Fieldfare - Sacan - & the (Eurasian) Redwing - Deargan sneachta 210 3.17 Warblers - Ceolairi 211 3.17.1 The Goldcrest - Ciorbhui 212 3.17.2 TheWillowWarbler - Ceolaire saili - & the (Common) Chiffchaff - Tiuf-teaf 213 3.17.3 The (Eurasian) ReedWarbler - Ceolaire giolcai 214 3.17.4 The (Common) GrasshopperWarbler - Ceolaire casarnai 215 3.17.5 The SedgeWarbler - Ceolaire cibe 216 3.17.6 The (Eurasian) Blackcap - Caipin dubh 217 3.17.7 The (Common)Whitethroat - Gilphib 218 3.17.8 The Flycatchers - Cuiliri 219 3.18 Tits - Meantain 221 3.18.1 The Coal Tit - Meantan dubh 222 3.18.2 The (European) Blue Tit - Meantan gorm 223 3.18.3 The Great Tit - Meantan mor 224 3.18.4 The Long-tailed Tit - Meantan earrfhada 225 3.19 Crows - Preachain, Caroga 226 3.19.1 The Rook - Rucach 227 3.19.2 The Hooded Crow - Feannog 229 3.19.3 The (Northern) Raven - Fiach dubh 231 3.19.4 The (Western) Jackdaw - Cag 235 3.19.5 The (Red-billed) Chough - Cag cosdearg 236 3.19.6 The (Eurasian) Magpie - Snag breac 237 3.19.7 The (Eurasian) Jay - Screachog 240 3.20 Finches - Glasain 241 3.20.1 The (Common) Chaffinch - Ri rua - & the Brambling - Breacan 242 3.20.2 The (European) Goldfinch - Lasair choille 243 3.20.3 The (European) Greenfinch - Glasan darach 244 3.20.4 The (Eurasian) Siskin - Siscin 245 3.20.5 The (Common) Linnet - Gleoiseach - & the (Lesser) Redpoll - Deargeadan coiteann 246 3.20.6 The Twite - Gleoiseach sleibhe 248 3.20.7 The (Eurasian) Bullfinch - Corcran coille 249 3.21 Buntings - Gealoga 250 3.21.1 The (Western) Yellowhammer - Buiog 250 3.21.2 The Snow Bunting - Gealog shneachta 252 3.21.3 The (Common) Reed Bunting - Gealog ghiolcai 253 3.22 Other Small Land Birds - Aeanlaith Beaga Eile 254 3.22.1 The (Common) Kingfisher - Cruidin 254 3.22.2 The (Eurasian) Skylark - Fuiseog 257 3.22.3 The Dunnock - Donnog 259 3.22.4 The (European) Robin - Spideog 260 3.22.5 The (Common) Redstart - Earrdheargan - & the Black Redstart - Earrdheargan dubh 263 3.22.6 The (European) Stonechat - Caislin cloch - & theWhinchat - Caislin aitinn 264 3.22.7 The (Northern)Wheatear - Clochran 265 3.22.8 The (White-throated) Dipper - Gabha dubh 267 3.22.9 The (Winter)Wren - Dreoilin 268 3.22.10 The (Bohemian)Waxwing - Siodeiteach 273 3.22.11 The (Eurasian) Treecreeper - Snag 275 3.22.12 The (Common) Starling - Druid 276 3.22.13 The (Red) Crossbill - Crosghob 278 3.22.14 The House Sparrow - Gealbhan binne - & the (Eurasian) Tree Sparrow - Gealbhan crainn 280 4 POULTRY & DOMESTIC BIRDS - AeANLAITH CHLA"IS, AeIN TAi 4.1 Poultry & Domestic Birds - Aeanlaith Chlois, Aean Ti 283 4.1.1 The Mallard - Mallard - & the Domestic Duck - Lacha ti 285 4.1.2 The Greylag Goose - Ge ghlas - & the Domestic Goose - Ge 288 4.1.3 The (Domestic) Chicken - Cearc clois 291 4.1.4 The (Domestic) Turkey - Turcai 296 4.1.5 Other Irish Domestic Birds - Peafowl & Guineafowl 297 5 BIRDS FROM OUR PAST 5.1 Birds from our past 301 5.1.1 The (Eurasian) Bittern - Bonnan (bui) 302 5.1.2 The (Common) Crane - Grus 304 5.1.3 The (Taiga) Bean Goose - Siolghe 307 5.1.4 The (Western) Marsh Harrier - Croman mona 308 5.1.5 The Golden Eagle - Iolar firean 309 5.1.6 TheWhite-tailed Eagle - Iolar mara 312 5.1.7 The Osprey - Coirneach 313 5.1.8 The Red Kite - Cur rua - & the Black Kite - Cur dubh 315 5.1.9 The (Northern) Goshawk - Spiorog mhor 317 5.1.10 The Gyrfalcon - Fabhcun mor 318 5.1.11 The (Western) Capercaillie - Capall coille 320 5.1.12 The Great Auk - Falcog mhor 322 5.1.13 The Corn Bunting - Gealog bhuachair 324 6 BIRD CONSERVATION IN IRELAND 326 6.1 Red List 327 6.2 Amber List 327 GLOSSARY 328 BIBLIOGRAPHY 332 USEFUL WEBSITES 336 REFERENCES 337 INDEX 352

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Birds of Ireland: Facts, Folklore and History Glynn Anderson
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