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An Introduction to Christian Mysticism - Recovering the Wildness of Spiritual Life Jason M. Baxter

An Introduction to Christian Mysticism - Recovering the Wildness of Spiritual Life von Jason M. Baxter

An Introduction to Christian Mysticism - Recovering the Wildness of Spiritual Life Jason M. Baxter

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This brief, accessibly written volume introduces key figures, texts, and themes of the mystical tradition, showing that the mystics have much to say to contemporary Christians searching for authentic modes of spirituality.

An Introduction to Christian Mysticism - Recovering the Wildness of Spiritual Life Zusammenfassung

An Introduction to Christian Mysticism - Recovering the Wildness of Spiritual Life Jason M. Baxter

This brief, accessibly written volume introduces key figures, texts, and themes of the mystical tradition and shows how and why the mystics can speak to the church today. Jason Baxter, an expert educator and storyteller, explains that the mystical tradition offers a more robust understanding of God than our current shallow conceptions. Featuring engagement with primary sources and suitable for use in a variety of courses, this book argues that the mystics have much to say to contemporary Christians searching for authentic modes of spirituality.

Über Jason M. Baxter

Jason M. Baxter (PhD, University of Notre Dame), an expert in medieval Catholic thought, is associate professor of fine arts and humanities at Wyoming Catholic College in Lander, Wyoming. He speaks at universities across the country and has written several books, including A Beginner's Guide to Dante's Divine Comedy. Visit his website at JasonMBaxter.com.


Introduction: The Soul from Whom God Hides Nothing
1. The Christian of the Future in the Desert of Modernity: The Twentieth-Century Rediscovery of Ancient Mysticism
2. Pagans Grope toward God: Piety and Prayer in Antiquity
3. The Inward Turn: What Augustine Learned from the Pagans
4. The Darkness of God: Dionysius the Areopagite, Gregory of Nyssa, and Meister Eckhart
5. Praying with the Whole World: Natural Contemplation and the Legacy of the Desert Fathers
6. How to Perform Scripture: Lectio Divina and the Renewal of the Heart
Conclusion: The Wildness of the Spiritual Life

Zusätzliche Informationen

An Introduction to Christian Mysticism - Recovering the Wildness of Spiritual Life Jason M. Baxter
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Baker Publishing Group
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