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Life Strategies For Teens Jay McGraw

Life Strategies For Teens von Jay McGraw

Life Strategies For Teens Jay McGraw

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The essential guide to teenage life that won't tell you what to do or who to be, but rather how to live life best.

Life Strategies For Teens Zusammenfassung

Life Strategies For Teens Jay McGraw

'Are you as tired as I am of books constantly telling you about doing your best to understand your parents, doing your homework, making curfew, getting a haircut, dropping that hemline, and blah, blah, blah?' Well, things can be different. Employing the techniques from Dr Phillip C McGraw's LIFE STRATEGIES, his son Jay provides teens with the Ten Laws of Life, which make the journey to adulthood an easier and more fulfilling trip. Whether dealing with the issues of popularity, peer pressure, ambition, or ambivalence, LIFE STRATEGIES FOR TEENS is an enlightening guide to help teenagers not only stay afloat, but to thrive through these pivotal years. Whether you are a teen looking for a little help, or a parent or grandparent wanting to provide guidance, this book tackles the challenges of adolescence like no other. Your relationships with your parents, friends, siblings and teachers can be better. Your life can be richer. And here is a way to do it. Combining proven techniques for dealing with life's obstacles and the youth and wit of writer Jay McGraw, LIFE STRATEGIES FOR TEENS is sure to improve the lives of all who read it.

Über Jay McGraw

JAY McGRAW is the eldest son of Dr Phil McGraw, author of the international bestsellers LIFE STRATEGIES and RELATIONSHIP RESCUE. He is currently a student at the University of Texas in Austin.






Powering up

Life Law 1 You Either Get It, or You Don't

Life Law 2 You Create Your Own Experience

Life Law 3 People Do What Works

Life Law 4 You Cannot Change What You Do Not Acknowledge

Life Law 5 Life Rewards Action

Life Law 6 There Is No Reality, Only Perception

Life Law 7 Life Is Managed; It Is Not Cured

Life Law 8 We Teach People How to Treat Us

Life Law 9 There Is Power in Forgiveness

Life Law 10 You Have To Name It Before You Can Claim It


Zusätzliche Informationen

Life Strategies For Teens Jay McGraw
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Simon & Schuster
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