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GaYme Changer Jens Schadendorf

GaYme Changer von Jens Schadendorf

GaYme Changer Jens Schadendorf

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A look into the LGBT+ community and their impact on the modern workforce

GaYme Changer Zusammenfassung

GaYme Changer: How the LGBT+ community and their allies are changing the global economy Jens Schadendorf

The LGBT+ community has experienced a stunning development in a short period of time: yesterday marginalized, stigmatized, and criminalized, now champions of creativity, diversity and innovation in a highly competitive world. In addition, corporate social responsibility and ethical demands for inclusivity have become economic directives that every organization would like to attain. The struggle of recognition is not over yet, but in workplaces and markets, gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and queer individuals have become symbols of diversity and economic power - true GaYme Changers developing the global economy faster and for the better. Illustrated by fascinating stories around individuals, companies, nonprofits and a fast-growing cohort of organizations, Jens Schadendorf has traced the LGBT+ community and an increasing number of their allies from across the globe to discover the start of a revolution. Supported by up-to-date research, he shows that investment in LGBT+ inclusion delivers a powerful return. Always - even in times of hostility, resistance and crisis - it is economically and ethically beneficial for companies and societies and every human being, to let LGBT+ members develop into dynamic forces, rooted in new forms of cooperation and learning for ga(y)me changing results.

Über Jens Schadendorf

Jens Schadendorf is an economist, advising companies, scientists, and managers on books, communications and change projects globally. As an author and speaker, he focuses on diversity, corporate social responsibility, and leadership. He is also an independent LGBT+ diversity researcher at the Chair of Business Ethics at the Technical University of Munich, where he is based.

Zusätzliche Informationen

GaYme Changer: How the LGBT+ community and their allies are changing the global economy Jens Schadendorf
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LID Publishing
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