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Beautiful Outlaw John Eldredge

Beautiful Outlaw von John Eldredge

Beautiful Outlaw John Eldredge

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An exciting look at the real Jesus - wild, playful and provocative - from bestselling author John Eldredge.

Beautiful Outlaw Zusammenfassung

Beautiful Outlaw: Experiencing the Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus John Eldredge

Jesus is the most vague, misrepresented figure in the history of the world. Is it possible to know and trust someone so ethereal and lofty? What is he really like?
BEAUTIFUL OUTLAW offers a look into the humanity of Jesus, dismantling all the religious nonsense and helping us understand who this man really was - on a personal level. Focusing on his compelling personality, bestselling author John Eldredge shows us the real Jesus - playful, wild, and often scandalous.

Beautiful Outlaw Bewertungen

"Bestselling author Eldredge (Wild at Heart), founder of Ransomed Heart Ministries, uses his playful style to uncover the truth about who Jesus really was. With an eyebrow-raising warning about the "poison of religion," he urges readers to turn from religious power displays and legalism and instead spend time falling in love with the man, Jesus. Eldredge repeats tales from the Gospels to reveal a leader who was both humorous and confrontational, generous and moody. Eldredge clearly loves his subject, almost chuckling in delight at Jesus' antics. Readers get an intriguing glimpse of Jesus waiting his turn in line, "snorting" in anger, and artfully outsmarting his enemies. On the other hand, many of the themes are recycled (e.g., Jesus is your friend, suffering happens for a reason), and the book lacks opportunities for application and reflection (e.g., study questions). Still, readers will find a three-dimensional Jesus and may find themselves re-reading scripture with an eye on characters' feelings."--Publishers Weekly
"Eldredge's trademark passion and personal transparency offer another inspiring challenge that could revolutionize lives as did his Wild at Heart."--on Beautiful Outlaw "Christian Retailing "

Über John Eldredge

JOHN ELDREDGE is the founder and director of Ransomed Heart Ministries in Colorado Springs. John has written numerous books, including Epic, Waking the Dead, Wild at Heart, Desire, and is the co-author of Captivating and The Sacred Romance.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Beautiful Outlaw: Experiencing the Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus John Eldredge
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hodder & Stoughton
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