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2000 AD Digest: Judge Dredd/Batman John Wagner

2000 AD Digest: Judge Dredd/Batman von John Wagner

2000 AD Digest: Judge Dredd/Batman John Wagner

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JUSTICE GOES HEAD-TO-HEAD! Judge Death has crossed dimensions to Gotham City and Judge Dredd is in pursuit! However, this is the home turf of a certain caped vigilante - the Batman. Two very different brands of uncompromising justice are destined to clash!

2000 AD Digest: Judge Dredd/Batman Zusammenfassung

2000 AD Digest: Judge Dredd/Batman: Vendetta in Gotham John Wagner

JUSTICE GOES HEAD-TO-HEAD! Judge Death has crossed dimensions to Gotham City and Judge Dredd is in pursuit! However, this is the home turf of a certain caped vigilante - the Batman. Two very different brands of uncompromising justice are destined to clash!

Über John Wagner

John Wagner is the co-creator of Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, Ace Trucking Co. and Button Man, amongst many others, for 2000AD. Alan Grant co-wrote many of the classic 80's Judge Dredd strips as John Wagner's writing partner, before solo work on Judge Anderson and a celebrated run on Batman, among many others.

Zusätzliche Informationen

2000 AD Digest: Judge Dredd/Batman: Vendetta in Gotham John Wagner
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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