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Flash: Year One Joshua Williamson

Flash: Year One von Joshua Williamson

Flash: Year One Joshua Williamson

20,99 €
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Flash: Year One Zusammenfassung

Flash: Year One Joshua Williamson

Barry Allen is stuck in place. As a forensic scientist for the Central City police, it's his job to catch criminals after they've committed their crimes. It's like he's lost the race before he even leaves the starting line. Then one night lightning strikes--and everything changes. Electrocuted and doused in chemicals, Barry emerges from a coma with the force of incredible speed humming in his very atoms. He's faster than bullets, faster than sound, faster than anyone can imagine. And he'd better be. Because even as Barry learns how to harness his incredible new powers, a new breed of criminal is stalking Central City. Some can slow him to a standstill. Others can freeze him in place. Still others run so hot and so fast he can't see them coming. The race is on for one of the DC Universe's most iconic superheroes to become the legend he is destined to be. Collects The Flash #70-75

Über Joshua Williamson

Joshua Williamson lives in Portland, Oregon. His career as a comics writer kicked off in 2007, and since then he has done a number of books for Shadowline, Image, Desperado Publishing, Kick Start and DC Comics. He has written the Uncharted limited series based on the best-selling video game, Voodoo and Marvel's Illuminati and Red Skull. He is currently writing The Flash and Batman/Superman for DC Comics.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Flash: Year One Joshua Williamson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
DC Comics
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