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And Yet Kate Baer

And Yet von Kate Baer

And Yet Kate Baer

14,49 €
Zustand - Wie Neu
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A follow-up to her number one New York Times bestselling and critically acclaimed debut poetry collection, What Kind of Woman, And Yet takes the themes of modern womanhood in all its beauty and overwhelm to the next level.

And Yet Zusammenfassung

And Yet: Poems Kate Baer

I will love and be loved. Save and be saved
a thousand times. I will let the want into
my body, bless the heat under my skin.
My life, I will not waste it. I will enjoy this life.

From Kate Baer, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of What Kind of Woman, comes her much anticipated second full-length traditional poetry collection, And Yet.

And Yet dives even deeper into the themes that are the hallmarks of Kate's writing: motherhood, friendship, love, and loss. Taken together, these poems demonstrate the remarkable evolution of a writer and an artist working at the height of her craft, pushing herself and her poetry in a beautiful and impressive way.

In this collection, Kate offers much needed inspiration to find the joy, and the hope, in all of life's mess and miracles.

Über Kate Baer

Kate Baer is a writer and poet based on the East Coast. She has been featured in publications such as Harper's Bazaar, Vogue.com, Entertainment Weekly, A Cup Of Jo, and Huffington Post. Her first book, What Kind Of Woman, is out now with Orion Spring.

Zusätzliche Informationen

And Yet: Poems Kate Baer
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Orion Publishing Co
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