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Vigor Mortis Kate Berridge

Vigor Mortis von Kate Berridge

Vigor Mortis Kate Berridge

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1


Vigor Mortis lobs a grenade at the idea that death is taboo. It reveals the new approach to death with a lively and provocative analysis of how and why death is reverting from the private to public domain. This is a social change as significant as the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Vigor Mortis Zusammenfassung

Vigor Mortis Kate Berridge

Examines the history of the rituals of death, and the different ways the dead are treated around the world.

Über Kate Berridge

Kate Berridge is a brilliant young journalist who has written for all the national broadsheets, Vogue, Harpers & Queen and many other glossy magazines. This is her first book. She has made her own funeral video and keeps a skeleton by her desk instead of wearing a watch...

Zusätzliche Informationen

Vigor Mortis Kate Berridge
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Profile Books Ltd
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