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Abuse of Women in Childcare Work Kieran O'Hagan

Abuse of Women in Childcare Work von Kieran O'Hagan

Abuse of Women in Childcare Work Kieran O'Hagan

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Identifies and analyzes the multiple abuses of women within childcare work. This book is based on evidence of such abuse in research, childcare literature, child abuse inquiry reports, and on the authors' experience of childcare practice. It explores the dilemmas that abusive factors pose for professionals who are aware of that abusive potential.

Abuse of Women in Childcare Work Zusammenfassung

Abuse of Women in Childcare Work Kieran O'Hagan

Childcare professionals working in childcare agencies predominantly work with women clients. This book identifies and analyzes the multiple abuses of women within childcare work. The authors rely on the abundant evidence of such abuse in research, childcare literature, child abuse enquiry reports, and on their combined forty years experience of childcare practice. Although many abuses occur at the point of contact between childcare professionals and women clients, the origins and causes of the abuses often lie elsewhere; in childcare law for example, or in childcare training; in developmental theories, organizational structure, or in too-hastily formulated policies and procedures. Each of these and many more potentially abusive factors are explored; so too are the dilemmas they pose for many professionals who are fully aware of that abusive potential. The authors stress that uncomplicated and not-too-challenging changes can be made to ensure that the abuse of women within childcare systems can be drastically curtailed.

Abuse of Women in Childcare Work Bewertungen

"...this is a book which is certainly needed in social work practice, and I hope it succeeds in reaching its principal audience." - Journal of Medical Ethics "...this is an interesting and challenging book, which highlights the complexity of childcare work. It serves to emphasise the need for ongoing high quality training, supervision and support for child care workers...The book has an important message for all workers concerned with children and the women who care for them." - Health Matters "There is much in this book for the psychologist with an interest in the application of theory or the use of Psychology by the professions.In addition, it is a splendid resource for social work students and tutors." - Psychology of Women Section Newsletter "...an interesting and challenging book which raises important questions for policy-makers, social service workers and theorists in childcare work." - Social Sciences in Health "...an honest and uncompromising exploration which confronts the reader with the experience of women at the receiving end of the child-care system." - Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly


Part One: A Case in Point: The Problem Has Not Gone AwayWomen in Society: Changing Roles and RelationshipsThe Role of Theory in Child Care WorkAbusive Child Care Systems IAbusive Child Care Systems IIPart Two: Manifestations: The Abuse of Power: Common Experiences for Workers and ClientsAbuse in ActionThe Abuse of Women by Avoiding MenPart Three: The Way Ahead: NonAbusive Childcare TheoryNonAbusive Childcare SystemsImplications for Trainers.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Abuse of Women in Childcare Work Kieran O'Hagan
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Open University Press
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