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Supernaturally Kiersten White

Supernaturally von Kiersten White

Supernaturally Kiersten White

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When your world is paranormal, be glad that you're human... the exciting sequel to bestselling PARANORMALCY, loved by Becca Fitzpatrick, author of HUSH, HUSH.

Supernaturally Zusammenfassung

Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, Book 2) Kiersten White

When your world is paranormal, be glad that you're human... the exciting sequel to bestselling PARANORMALCY, loved by Becca Fitzpatrick, author of HUSH, HUSH.

A lot has changed since Evie escaped from the International Paranormal Containment Agency with her shapeshifter boyfriend, Lend. She's no longer occupied with bagging and tagging paranormals to be monitored at IPCA's headquarters. Instead, she spends her days at school like a normal teenager, eagerly awaiting the weekends when Lend comes home from college and trying not to be killed by overly enthusiastic soccer players in her gym class.

Evie's world, in fact, has become overwhelmingly normal. And Evie is shocked to realise that normal can be...kind of boring. Then Raquel appears, asking her to help out at IPCA again. As Evie dips back into her former life, she learns that things are changing in the world of paranormals, and never-before-seen supernatural creatures are popping up left and right. Evie also has to deal with IPCA's newest teenage recruit who has the power to open faerie doors and a nasty tendency to show up in Evie's room unannounced. But nothing prepares her for the reappearance of her faerie ex-boyfriend Reth, who hints that a battle is brewing in the faerie world.
And the prize they're fighting over? Evie's soul.

Oh, bleep. So much for normal.

Supernaturally Bewertungen

'A fast, flirty roller coaster of a ride. This story was everything I hoped for - sassy, light-hearted and downright scary. Oh, bleep! I'm in love!' - Becca Fitzpatrick, bestselling author of 'Hush, Hush'

'PARANORMALCY seduced me. The two sexy paranormals who vie for Evie's affections each had their own victory; one won Evie's heart and the other won mine.' - Aprilynne Pike, #1 New York Times bestselling author of 'Wings'

Über Kiersten White

Kiersten White was born and raised in Utah. She now lives in San Diego, California with her husband and two children. You can visit her online at www.kierstenwhite.com, follow her on Twitter, and read her blog at: www.kierstenwrites.blogspot.com

Zusätzliche Informationen

Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, Book 2) Kiersten White
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
HarperCollins Publishers
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