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The O Manuscript Lars Muhl

The O Manuscript von Lars Muhl

The O Manuscript Lars Muhl

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nicht auf Lager


A testimonial of how a present-day mystic's pursuit of self-discovery led to a revelation of the hidden secrets of Christianity - beginning with the author's journey to a remote mountain village in southern France and his encounters with a wise man, The Seer.

The O Manuscript Zusammenfassung

The O Manuscript: The Scandinavian Bestseller Lars Muhl

A testimonial of how a present-day mystic's pursuit of self-discovery led to a revelation of the hidden secrets of Christianity - beginning with the author's journey to a remote mountain village in southern France and his encounters with a wise man, The Seer

The O Manuscript Bewertungen

This book offers so much. It is not just a book, but an experience. Order it now! There will be an awakening in whoever reads it. --T-Love

Über Lars Muhl

Lars Muhl is a Danish author, mystic and musician. Like Paulo Coelho, he was for many years a successful singer/songwriter who, concurrently with his music, studied esoteric knowledge. Then in 1996, he was struck down by an unexplained illness that neither doctors nor alternative therapists could diagnose. For three years he lay in bed without being able to move or think straight. Through a close friend's intervention, Lars was put in touch with a seer who, via the telephone, brought him back to life. That was the start of a completely new existence and the beginning of that quest he has so grippingly described in his trilogy The O Manuscript.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The O Manuscript: The Scandinavian Bestseller Lars Muhl
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Watkins Media Limited
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