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Landscaping for Privacy Marty Wingate

Landscaping for Privacy von Marty Wingate

Landscaping for Privacy Marty Wingate

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nicht auf Lager


A lack of privacy is a fact of modern home ownership. In urban and suburban settings, the proximity of neighbouring houses and exposure to the street are inescapable realities. However, it's possible to mitigate these situations through the creative use of buffers, barriers, hedges, and screens.

Landscaping for Privacy Zusammenfassung

Landscaping for Privacy Marty Wingate

Marty Wingate discusses the merits and capabilities of all these structures and presents easy step-by-step projects. The inspiring photographs and clear drawings provide a wealth of ideas as well as practical guidance about how to create your own outdoor sanctuary.

Über Marty Wingate

Marty Wingate writes and speaks about gardens and travel. She is the author of three other books and has a master's degree in urban horticulture from the University of Washington. She leads garden tours to England, Scotland and Ireland, and North American destinations.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Landscaping for Privacy Marty Wingate
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Timber Press
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