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Heroine Nessa Muthy

Heroine von Nessa Muthy

Heroine Nessa Muthy

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Patriotism, nativism and modern Britain collide in this devastating exploration of the UK today.

Heroine Zusammenfassung

Heroine Nessa Muthy

'We need to take back control, not politicians, not the police, us, the people, we are the power.' Young soldier Grace, following a medical discharge from the army, faces a daunting return to the UK. She struggles to find her place, her people. Post conflict and in search of the friendship she's lost, Grace volunteers at a local community centre, bonding with other women. As her trust in the women grows, so does her confidence. She hasn't laughed like this for as long as she can remember, and she almost forgets she has a secret to keep. But as the group starts taking action, Grace's secret becomes harder to hide, and the trust she has built begins to fray. Forced to question the very foundations of her beliefs, Grace finds herself back on the front line, but who is she fighting Patriotism, nativism and modern Britain collide in Nessah Muthy's devastating exploration of the UK today. Heroine was performed as part of HighTide Festival 2017 in a co production with HighTide and Theatr Clwyd, directed by Steven Atkinson. 'This is theatre unafraid to shock... a powerful piece... the sort of show that cannot be overlooked' - WhatsOnStage 'A molotov cocktail of ideas... it is refreshing to see Muthy's fearlessness at tackling the topics of the moment... bold, incendiary writing, from a nascent talent who understands that the personal is political, and lays bare the chaos of a stark world ' our own' - The Upcoming 'A truly meaty set up ' exploring the grey area between concern about the spread of radical Islam and outright racism... in Muthy we have a new playwright willing to put big, ambitious ideas on stage and who is willing to examine, warts and all, what it means to be British today' - The Times

Zusätzliche Informationen

Heroine Nessa Muthy
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Nick Hern Books
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