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The Duke I Once Knew Olivia Drake

The Duke I Once Knew von Olivia Drake

The Duke I Once Knew Olivia Drake

9,69 €
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The Duke I Once Knew Zusammenfassung

The Duke I Once Knew: An enchanting second-chance Regency romance Olivia Drake

An unexpected reunion... a second chance at love.

Abigail Linton has devoted herself to caring for her parents and her siblings' children. Eager to create a life of her own, Abby seizes upon a position as a governess on a neighbouring estate. Unfortunately, her employer is Maxwell Bryce, the Duke of Rothwell - the notorious rake who once broke her youthful heart.

Since he hasn't set foot on his estate for fifteen years, Abby assumes she'll never have to see him... Until, one day, he appears. Max is stunned to come face to face with the girl he fell for, before he went away and she stopped writing to him.

Both Abby and Max have changed over the years, but has their passion for each other remained unchanged?

A sweeping Regency romance for fans of Lisa Kleypas and Mary Balogh.

Über Olivia Drake

Olivia Drake is the author of 36 romance novels. Her books have won the Golden Heart Award, Best Historical Romantic Suspense, Best Regency Historical, and the prestigious RITA Award from Romance Writers of America. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and a pair of feisty cats.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Duke I Once Knew: An enchanting second-chance Regency romance Olivia Drake
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