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Main Range 217 Paul Magrs

Main Range 217 von Paul Magrs

Main Range 217 Paul Magrs

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Four new adventures featuring the Fifth Doctor and Turlough!

Main Range 217 Zusammenfassung

Main Range 217: The Memory Bank and Other Stories Paul Magrs

Four new adventures featuring the Fifth Doctor and Turlough! 1. The Memory Bank by Chris Chapman The Doctor and Turlough arrive on a planet where to be forgotten is to cease to exist. But the Forgotten leave a gap in the world - and that's where the monsters are hiding.2. The Last Fairy Tale by Paul Magrs Deep in the heart of old Europe, the village of Vadhoc awaits the coming of a mythical teller of magical tales - but not all such stories end happily, the TARDIS travellers discover. 3. Repeat Offender by Eddie Robson The Doctor has tracked the deadly Bratanian Shroud to 22nd century Reykjavik - where he's about to become the victim of a serial criminal. Again. 4. The Becoming by Ian Potter A young woman climbs a perilous mountain in search of her destiny. The Doctor and Turlough save her from the monsters on her trail - but what awaits them in the Cavern of Becoming is stranger, even, than the ravening Hungerers outside. Peter Davison's appearance as the Fifth Doctor from 1981-1984 is a favourite amongst generations of Doctor Who fans. He's reprised the role opposite both David Tennant and the Eastenders cast on TV! Mark Strickson played Turlough in Doctor Who between 1983 and 1984. This devious character started out trying to kill the Doctor, before finally they became friends. Director Helen Goldwyn has spent much time for producers Big Finish in front of the microphone, playing everything from a regular in their Tomorrow People audio series, to a malevolent answering service in 2016's audio production of cult hit The Prisoner. CAST: Peter Davison (The Doctor), Mark Strickson (Turlough), Suzann McLean (Max/Autumn Voice), Ian Brooker (Archivist/Computer/Elder), Mandi Symonds (Alitha/Inspector Jill Sveinsbottir), Duncan Wisbey (Grayling Frimlish/Shiri/Zounds), Kae Alexander (Waywalker).

Zusätzliche Informationen

Main Range 217: The Memory Bank and Other Stories Paul Magrs
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Big Finish Productions Ltd
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