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The Politics of Uncertainty Peter Marris

The Politics of Uncertainty von Peter Marris

The Politics of Uncertainty Peter Marris

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This provocative and important book makes a convincing case for strategies of co-operation at both personal and political levels to ensure our economic and social survival in the twenty-first century.

The Politics of Uncertainty Zusammenfassung

The Politics of Uncertainty: Attachment in Private and Public Life Peter Marris

In The Politics of Uncertainty Peter Marris examines one of the most crucial and least studied aspects of social relationships: how we manage uncertainty, from the child's struggle for secure attachment to the competitive strategies of multinational corporations. Using a powerful synthesis of social and psychological theory, he shows how strategies of competition interact with the individual's sense of personal agency to place the heaviest burden of uncertainty on those with the fewest social and economic resources. He argues that these strategies maximize uncertainty for everyone by undermining the reciprocity essential to successful economic and social relationships.
At a time when global economic reorganisation is undermining security of employment, The Politics of Uncertainty makes a convincing case for strategies of co-operation at both personal and political levels to ensure our economic and social survival in the twenty-first century.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Politics of Uncertainty: Attachment in Private and Public Life Peter Marris
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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