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Mind the Gaffe R. L. Trask

Mind the Gaffe von R. L. Trask

Mind the Gaffe R. L. Trask

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Exasperated by marking exam scripts, the author checked some 2500 of the most common errors his students made. The result is this guide which points the reader to pitfalls in English and how to avoid them, written with wit and panache. Correct usage, spelling and grammar are all covered.

Mind the Gaffe Zusammenfassung

Mind the Gaffe: The Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English R. L. Trask

What is the difference between imminent and immanent? When is it appropriate to use the phrase Hobson's choice? Can anything be described as very real? There are so many obstacles on the way to writing clear, precise (accurate?) English (english?) that it is a wonder (wander?) anyone (anyone or any one?) can make themselves understood. In this guide, Professor Larry Trask gives advice on how to write simply and effectively and to avoid blunders and howlers which might otherwise leave your readers either bemused or rolling on the floor with laughter. He also adjudicates on hundreds of contentious issues (should aggravate, for example, only be used in its strict meaning of make worse), helps the reader decide when it is appropriate to use British or American spelling (millipede or millepede) and warns of the dangers which careful writers might encounter with e-mail. The result is a book that should be of use to all writers who want quick, sound advice on making their prose as readable and clear as possible.

Über R. L. Trask

Professor Trask has taught in the School of Cognitive and Computing Science at the University of Sussex since 1988. He is the author of many books on language and lingusitics including THE PENGUIN GUIDE TO PUNCTUATION and THE PENGUIN DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Mind the Gaffe: The Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English R. L. Trask
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Penguin Books Ltd
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