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My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil Rabina Khan

My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil von Rabina Khan

My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil Rabina Khan

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Engaging and sharply observed, My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil gives a candid insight into the life of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman in modern Britain.

My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil Zusammenfassung

My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil Rabina Khan

In 2015, when I ran to be mayor in Tower Hamlets, a smartly dressed middle-class man saw me wearing a headscarf and asked me what colour my hair was underneath it. I gave him a big smile. 'Pink,' I replied. Did I win his vote? I rather doubt it. Vivid, astute and full of humour, My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil offers a frank appraisal of life in modern Britain as seen through the eyes of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman. Rabina Khan writes with grace about her family's experiences building a new life in 1970s London before turning her attention to exploring the politics of the veil, white privilege and intersectional feminism. And in depicting her battle to build a successful political career against a backdrop of blame, bias and misogyny - including from her own community - Khan is clear-sighted about the struggles facing Muslim women today. Now fully updated with new material on the sexism facing women in politics, My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil is at its heart an inspiring story about the power of self-belief and determination to create a fairer world.

My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil Bewertungen

A funny, engaging and moving memoir. Rabina captures nuances and shatters stereotypes. Fatima Manji, Channel 4 News

Über Rabina Khan

Rabina Khan is one of the most influential hijab-wearing politicians in London, serving as a Liberal Democrat councillor in the Borough of Tower Hamlets, where she ran a close second in her bid to be mayor. Born in Bangladesh and raised in Rochester, she is known for her passionate support of causes such as stopping youth knife crime and building more social housing. Her decade in politics has been both controversial and turbulent, but, as she says, defining who you are is about how well you rise when you fall. She has written for The Independent, The Guardian and the HuffPost and regularly appears in the media.

Zusätzliche Informationen

My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil Rabina Khan
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Biteback Publishing
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